You for what works

You for what works

Taking care of myself has become critical to my overall wellbeing and happiness.  Here are some suggestions for things I do that might be helpful for you....

1. Self-care is more important now- more than ever. Take some time daily to nourish your body, mind and spirit. Prioritize your health and well-being.

2. Focus on your breath is so simple but yet so powerful in helping us reduce stress and BE in the present moment. My favorite...breath in four, hold for seven and blow out a candle for eight.  Repeat.

3. Prioritize sleep!  Keep sleep times and wake times as consistent as possible. Try your best to get in bed ready for sleep before 10pm.  After that you will likely get your second wind making it harder to get to sleep.

4. Drink plenty of water or herbal teas. Keep your body well hydrated throughout the day and start each morning with a large glass of warm water and a squeeze of fresh lemon juice.  Drinking warm water throughout the day help keep your digestive system running.

 5. Get out of your comfort zone! This is where growth takes place! Take stock of what is really important to you. Life is short - anything can happen. So, if you've been wanting to start a business or podcast or passion project, do it! Be authentic, share your truth and as Wayne Dyer says, "Don't die with your music still in you"

6. Reading is so much more productive and fun than watching TV or scrolling your phone. Take at least 20 min to read and learn something new

7. Meditate first thing in the morning can make such a world of difference for your mental health. I think post-covid has really taught us all to slow down and take some time for stillness!  This can be for five minutes or more

8. Surround yourself with plants and pets They both have such healing properties and really help to lift our moods.  Pets can be a fish even

9. Read or listen to a to books or podcasts that light up your heart. This has been one of the most uplifting things that I have done this year. It brings me peace and solace to know that everything will be ok

10. Take care of the earth - consume less, be more mindful of the long-term impact of your purchases. Reuse, compost and reduce! Be mindful of who you purchase from and support small businesses whenever you can

11. Get out in nature daily. Nature is so healing, and this year has really made me appreciate nature. Appreciate the beauty of the trees, flowers, the leaves changing color, the snow, the birds, water flowing

12. Put a limit on your social media consumption (and watching the news if you still do) - I have found this to be a huge game-changer. It's so easy to go down the rabbit hole and spiral into negativity and fear

13. Eat more mindfully and intuitively. Eat more home cooked meals and slow down your pace when eating. Eat more fruits and veggies and all the colors of the rainbow! Most of all eat for your dosha.  This has made a huge difference for my wellness

14. Take a moment for gratitude each and every day. There are so many things to be grateful for!  I have kept a gratitude journal for years.  Some weeks I madly write in it and other times I just say the things I am grateful for before heading to sleep

15. Spend more time and be more present with loved ones. Tell them how much you love them and appreciate them

16. Keep life simple! We really don't need much to be happy and healthy

17. Listen to music, dance and move your body! Yoga and walking my dogs are what brings me joy

18. We are all on our own journey, try to have compassion and tolerance for others without judgement. (This one is tough!)

19. Love yourself a little more - this planet can only heal when we heal and learn to love ourselves. Remind yourself daily that you are worthy and enough

20. You are not alone - it has been hard post-covid to get back into a social life. You may have been lonely at times, and this is the time to start back those social connections. Friday night happy hour with friends, game night and book clubs are all ways we can still be connected even if we are still remote

If you are struggling and would like to talk about your health challenges I am here.  Just shoot me an email.  

Contact Me

Location - In Person and Online

9918 236th Pl SW, Edmonds, WA 98020




9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm


9:00 am-5:00 pm



